Ardy Tanfil. T
(President director)

Ardy Tanfil, a man who was born on March 18 1996, started his career as an entertainer in the field of magic arts at the age of 14 in Palu City. At the age of 16, Ardy began to get involved in the world of sales by becoming a salesperson at a multi-level marketing company, and managed to achieve a turnover of 100 million rupiah. In 2020, Ardy served as an extraordinary lecturer at a private university in Bogor City, after completing postgraduate education at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia. During the 2021-2023 period, Ardy dedicated himself as a lecturer at several private universities. At the end of 2023, Ardy and the Todingbua family founded T2CORP which is still operating today.

Rezhty C. A. Tiara Todingbua
(Chief Executive Officer)

Rezhky C.W.P Todingbua
(Chief Operating Officer)

Rezhky C.W.P. Todingbua is a professional in the shipping sector. He completed his applied bachelor's degree at the Marine Science Polytechnic in Makassar City in 2021, paving the way for a professional career worth tens of thousands of dollars. At the end of 2023, Rezhky, as one of the great heirs of the Todingbua family business empire, together with Ardy Tanfil, built T2CORP which is still operating today.

Rezhty C. A. Tiara Todingbua is the second child of the main Todingbua family. This woman, who was born on November 1 1997, completed her professional pharmacist education at the University of 17 August 1945. Currently, Rezhty is carrying out her career as a professional pharmacy professional. At the end of 2024, Rezhty together with Ardy Tanfil designed and built T2CORP which is still operating today.